Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween candy always kills my diet.  Every year I try to buy candy that won't entice me.  But the candy company's are very crafty with their Halloween candy bags. Putting Whoppers (ick, I'll pass), Take 5 (my husband eats them all before I can even find one), Jolly Ranchers (love them but I can control myself) and Reese's Cups (some self control but barely) all together.  They strategically put one good candy in with others that I can resist. 

The first thought that went through my head this year was to buy something healthy.  Obesity is such a huge problem in the US and I want to stand behind what I believe in. (Don't worry, I won't get on my soap box about that). This is how I pictured myself handing out healthy snacks.

But I really don't feel like cleaning up the eggs and toilet paper from the house tomorrow, so I gave into the society's belief that we should get our kids high on fructose.  I waited until Friday to get the candy and would have bought it today to help with not eating it before the kids came but Hurricane Sandy put a wrench in that.  Thanks to Sandy also, I ate my fair share of Reese's Cups on Monday and Tuesday.  I was out of my workout schedule due to the gym being closed, which usually helps with the cravings.

Now, all I can hope for is that the kids actually go trick-or-treating tonight so I don't have the candy left in my house!

My dilemma for this evening is that I have boxing at 6:30.  Since I didn't get my workouts in on Monday and Tuesday, I am definitely not skipping.  My husband has guitar lessons, so the house will be unmanned.  I think I'll just leave a bowl of candy on the doorstep and hope for the best.  I figure that is better than not having anyone or any candy there at all.

Halloween Fitness Motivation: Why I am working out twice today

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I love watching football and Monday night football is always great.  One of my favorites things is the NFL Monday Night Countdown on ESPN and their segment of C'Mon Man.  The cast play clips from the weekend of football of criticize the clip, which is a boneheaded or foolish play.  It's always good for a laugh.


I have come up with my own C'MON MAN, fiery wench style. 

There is a young guy in his early 20's that comes to the same Monday night boxing class I do.  The guy only does 20% of the class (and I think I am being quite generous with that estimate).  For all of you who are out there going awwww, at least he is there, I'll give you a C'MON MAN for even thinking that.  (As my Wednesday night boxing instructor says, This ain't social hour people. Keep working hard.) The instructor rotates around the room, so when he comes by the guy, the guy starts working out.  Otherwise, he just STANDS THERE. Seriously, move your feet and legs; Pretend like you are working out. No, he just stands there.  But once the instructor turns around, he puts on a show that he is working hard.  So I give him a big C'MON MAN!  I am almost 20 years older than you and I put your workout to major shame. 

A friend and I were going out to dinner and we got off on the wrong exit.  We pulled into a gas station to turn around to get back on the highway.  A guy on an ATV was pulling out of the gas station ahead of us and he got onto the road.   C'MON MAN!  You aren't on a dirt road out in the country; why are you driving your ATV on the road?  As we pulled up behind him, we realized the reason for the urgent run to the gas station.  A case of Nattie Light and Miller Light, ready for his Friday night at home. (I am not even going to comment on the butt crack situation--believe me, it was much worse in person.)

I was in Subway the other day and the guy behind the counter stopped making the sandwich for the guy in line when I walked in and immediately asked me if I colored my hair.  The guy in line started laughing because he couldn't believe what was happening.  I looked at him with a straight face and said, no, why would you say that?  But then I started laughing and said yes.  (I'm still not sure why I even entertained the question but I didn't have my sandwich yet, so...).  As the guy was ringing me up, he was gushing about how my hair color was beautiful and how it looked so good on me.  I was trying to high tail it out of there as he said, I hope to see you soon, like tomorrow.  C'MON MAN!  I'm old enough to be your mom and asking someone if they color their hair isn't a good pick up line (nor is it proper etiquette!).  And thanks to you, I will never go to that Subway again!

What is the deal with people on the highway who miss their exits and you see them on the side of the road backing up to pull off onto their exit???  For the love of God, go to the next exit and turn around.   If you are in a hurry, then you shouldn't have been paying attention idiot.  It blows me away how often I see this happening here in NOVA.   C'MON MAN!  For the safety of those around you (note I didn't say for yourself), please go to the next exit and turn around.  Or get off your damn phone and pay attention while you are driving!

Fitness/Health Inspiration for the Day

This is for my husband, who says C'MON MAN whenever I talk about my guns or flex for him.

Good Reason to Workout

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Never a Dull Moment

I love the indoor cycling (spin) classes at my gym, Xsport.  The teachers are energetic and work you hard.  There is never a dull moment in class.  And most of the time it's not because of the actual class, it's the wacky interactions of the people in class.

Picture a fairly compact room, filled with 35-40 bikes.  The lights are out, music blaring.  Everyone is is sweating and working hard.  I love it. 

But because the room is small and everyone is sweating, it gets really hot in there.  I swear there is no circulation in that room and about 1-2 songs into class, I need to turn the fan on.  At the back of the room on either side are 2 large fans.  I sit in the back near the fan because I get so hot and I want to be near the air.  There are others who have very strong opinions about the fans.

I mentioned in a previous blog about a woman that I have named Fan Girl.  Fan girl comes to the Saturday morning class and she is pretty obnoxious.  She is VERY vocal about her distaste for having the fan on.  Anytime someone puts it on, she makes a comment like "Great, the 747 is about to land" or "Really, it's not that warm in here." She sits up front, away from the fan, so I don't really know why it's such an issue.  Yes the fan is loud, but the music is louder so you don't really notice it.  But EVERYTIME the fan goes on, it's a whole diatribe about the fan. 

This last Thursday, I had another non-fan loving incident.  Another lady who comes every week was on the bike next to me, at she'll tell me if she's ready for the fan if I haven't turned it on yet. (I can reach from my bike to hit the on button).  I asked if she was ready and I turned it on.  She starts laughing and says, oh no, somebody is really cold.  I look over and a lady several bikes over has a hooded sweatshirt on--zipped all the way up and she has the hood on.  Umm, really?  It's like in the 80's in the room.   Ok, whatever, I don't care.  But what I do care about is the glaring, nasty looks she is giving me.  What the what???  Someone needs to work harder and get a sweat going if you are that cold!  After the end of that song, she jumps off her bikes, goes to the other side of the room and gets on a bike over there, where she proceeds to send me icy looks (She had a better angle from there--yikes!).  But I welcomed the icy stares because I was still hot!  Thanks for the cool down honey!  She kept her hood on the whole time and a lot of the class, she had her arms crossed on her chest.  Anyone who has been to indoor cycling, you know that is not one of the positions you cycle in. 

Last Saturday was an interesting class also.  It was total chaos in there because there were about 7 new people, who didn't know how to set up there bike or how to spin.  I felt bad for the teacher as she is running around trying to get latecomers set up, as class should be starting. Even though she explained to everyone how you should be positioned when standing, no one could get it and she had to keep jumping off her bike to try to assist.  She was worried people would get injured.  I truly thought the lady in front of me was  going to get injured.  She couldn't get the concept that your butt has to be back over the seat when you are climbing, like you are on a hill.  When the teacher tried to get her to do so, she would take her feet out of the cages and one leg would go flying off the pedals, while the other one is on it.  As you may know, the wheels are weighted, so I was waiting for her leg to get pulled out of the socket.  It was a crazy sight.  My teacher didn't even know what to do, so she basically told the lady not to stand--haha.  That will solve it!

Today we had a substitute cycling instructor.  Imagine Nicholas Cage circa Valley Girl.

This was our instructor (but more of a fake tan).  It was hilarious.  He worked us hard but I had to giggle every time he said, "come on, you should be breathing heavy, fer suuurre."  I am not lying.  He kept saying "fer suurrree" like a Valley Girl.  Ahhh, I miss the 80's.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Yes, I Am That Person

I can't believe I am going to admit this, but I have a disgusting habit.  Well, habit may be a strong word.  But on occasion, I will run errands after going to the gym.  Some may shrug and say ok, what's the big deal. (My husband would say it's totally gross).  The big deal is that I work out hard and I am disgusting after.  I mean totally covered in sweat and I am sure I stink.

The reason why I do this sometimes is because I'm trying to be efficient.  If I am already out and I am driving by the grocery store on my way back from the gym, why shouldn't I just pop in and do my shopping?  Or why can't I run into Target and pick up a couple of things.  I will make a disclaimer that I never try on clothes after the gym--that would be really bad!

Yesterday I had a great workout in the morning.  I had a dentist appointment at 1  and boxing at 4.   I knew that storms would be rolling through late morning and throughout the afternoon so it made sense just to pop into the grocery store on my way back from the gym.

There was another girl in Safeway with her workout gear on and we seemed to be going up and down the same aisles.  But she kept staring at me.  I didn't recognize her so I couldn't figure out why she kept looking.  She was wearing workout gear too, so surely it couldn't be me outfit (Capri workout pants and a grey Grateful Dead shirt).  As I was getting to the end of my list, I could feel some drips down my neck.  It turns out that I was still sweating and it was dripping off the tip of my pony tail.  As the honey badger would say, ewwww nasty!

But could that be why this girl is looking at me?  I decide self checkout would be the best thing to do at this point to get out of there and not offend anyone else with my sweat and stench.  As I was walking to my car in the parking lot, the girl is loading her car and just stares at me.  At this point I felt like flipping her the bird because it was just annoying but I went about my way.

I got home, unpacked and went upstairs to get in the shower.  This is when I saw myself for the first time.  I had huge armpit stains that were very visible since I was in a grey t-shirt plus sweat stains in various places on the front and back of the t-shirt.  I looked like a hot mess.  No wonder this girl was looking at me.  I was so embarrassed that I had done my shopping and had a full conversation with the fish counter guy about scallops looking like that.

So I have learned my lesson.  If I plan on doing errands after the gym,  I'll just have to take a shower at the gym first.  Ok, who am I kidding....for now on I will bring a sweatshirt to throw on to cover up my sweaty tank or t-shirt!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is It Too Much to Ask?

I live in a court with about 35 townhouses.  We are at the end of the court so we have to drive by all the other townhouses to get to ours.  This should be an easy feat but for some reason, everyone in our court is insane (except my husband and me, of course).

Before I go any further with my story, I looked up the definitions of several terms that are important to this story.  According to, these are the definitions.

Road: a long, narrow stretch with a smoothed or paved surface, made for traveling by motor vehicle, between two or more points.

Sidewalk: a hard-surfaced path for pedestrians alongside and little higher than a road

There doesn't go a day where I am leaving or driving into my court and someone is walking or standing in the road.  Many days it's every time I come or go.  I'm not talking on the side of the road; I'm talking far enough in the road that I am worried that I may hit them.  There are sidewalks on both sides of the road through the court but everyone in this court insists on walking in the road, chatting it up with their baby carriages in the road or having their kids play in the road.

These people don't make any attempts to move either.  They stare as I try to maneuver my car around them, trying not to run over the infant in the carriage.  I mean, what kind of animal would I be if I hit that carriage that is sitting in the middle of the road; a place where I should be able to drive my car.  I must be an idiot to think that the soccer moms should be having their conversation on the sidewalk.

Yesterday, I pulled in from the grocery store and wouldn't you know, a guy was walking in the MIDDLE of the court.  He put up his arm telling me to wait.  Oh thanks for telling me to wait, like I was going to run over you (ok, it did go through my mind).  If you want to walk in the road, at least walk off to the side!  Maybe I should start just driving on the sidewalks since no one is using them.  But my home owner's association would be all over my ass if I did that!

Wednesday night is play date night for the couple across the street's kids.  As I go into my tirade, please remember I love kids and I truly do not mind them playing in the street (even though there is a play ground at the end of our court!).  What I do mind is the lack of respect for your fellow neighbors who are trying to come into the court or leave in their car.  So every Wednesday night about 10 kids are running around, biking, using street chalk etc in our court.  Fine; don't care.  What really gets me is when I try to leave for boxing, the parents don't seem to rally their kids out of the street or if they do, all the parents still stand in the road and make it difficult for me to leave.  This all happens while all of them glare at me as I drive by.  I know, I know, I am such a horrible animal for trying to leave my house in my car on the ROAD! (see the definition--no where in there does it mention for the use of pedestrians on their feet).

Last Wednesday, I put my car in reverse and sat there for a minute, as there were 2 kids on bikes riding around behind me on the sidewalk.  Their mom was on the corner giving me the evil eye (by the way, this lady doesn't live in the court; she was over for the play date).  I figured a minute with my reverse lights on was enough warning.  As I start to back up, one of the kids jumps his bike off the curb and goes right behind me.  (I stopped in time, thanks to my cat like reflexes.)  Again, the mother just stood there staring at me.  Uh HELLO!  It's called parenting; why don't you try it before your kid gets killed.  Stop staring at me and tell your kid to chill for a second.  As I started to go further out of the court, the rest of the parents were standing in the middle of the road, as usual.  I stopped because another car was coming the other way and unless I went on the sidewalk, where the children had jumped onto, 2 cars wouldn't be able to pass at the same time.  Some lady who doesn't live in the court runs in front of my car and is holding up her hands to me, pushing her palms out over and over in a crazy motion, telling me to stop.  Thanks honey, I've already stopped and by the way, who are you?  It took all my effort not to get out of my car and rage.  It was a good thing I was leaving for boxing class so I was able to take out my aggressions on the bag. 

I'm thinking I should put fliers on everyone's doors with the meaning of sidewalk and road.  Maybe they just don't understand?  

Is it really too much to ask for people to use the sidewalk?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Day In My Life Through Pictures

I thought it would be fun to show a day in my life just by pictures of this I did, ate etc.  This was my Wednesday.  Quite exciting.