Note to self...Don't go to the gym in the just aren't cut out to deal with it....
I'm a morning gym person. Since I have a flexible work schedule, I can get my workout in the morning and work in the afternoon. The only workouts I do in the evenings are boxing classes at LA Boxing (those are the days I double up my workouts).
So when I needed to be at work this morning for an 8am meeting, I decided that I would go to the afternoon cycling class with my favorite teacher. I always heard her mention she taught the 4:30 pm Wednesday class but never thought anything of it. But due to the circumstances, I was excited that I could get a good workout in today even with the crimp in my normal routine.
As I turned into the gym, I realized the magnitude of cars. Hmm...I knew at my last gym that the evenings were insane in there but I really didn't think 4:30 would be that bad. Ok, fine, I'll park 1/2 a mile away from the gym--it will be my warmup....I'm not one of those people who will drive around in the gym parking lot trying to find a parking space. Yes, I see it often and Yes, when someone is waiting for me to leave I do take my sweet ass time.
Luckily I got there early because the class was packed. It was Saturday morning packed--only one or two bikes out of 35-40 left open. And the cycling "crowd" is totally different from my morning classes. I don't even know how to describe it. In the morning classes, we chat before class--we know each other because we are there several days a week together. There's a bond and camaraderie that I like. We hoot and holler during class when we make it up those tough "hills". We get into it and we have fun. Umm yea, not the afternoon class. No one was talking to each other (other than me, the teacher and 1BB --see previous posts on cycling about 1BB--we have actually bonded now, even though I still think he's wacky!) Oh wait, one guy asked me how long the class was....I think it was his first time. He didn't believe me when I told him 60 minutes because I heard him asking someone else shortly after.
At the last minute, this guy came into class and lucky me, there was a bike open next to me. So I got the short straw and I had to breath in the smoky stench for 60 minutes that was emitting from his body. Really dude? Did you just smoke a pack of cigarettes on the way to the gym? Because that is what it smells like. So disgusting.
The class ends...amazing as "easy" 550 calorie burn. And I watch quite a few of these people just wiping down the bikes, nothing. They just walk away from the sweat dripping off the handle bars...yes, the chick next to me did. I almost said something but I decided for once to keep my pie hole shut and made the decision to not go back to the afternoon class. Which is really why I should have said something...hind sight is 20/20.
I made my way out to my car parked in Siberia....laughing at the lady in the mini van trying to park, almost hitting the car next to her. So instead of backing up and trying to correct it, she had her young daughter hang halfway out the window and tell her how close she was. She didn't care that she was close because she made it in and left her van like that. Not sure if the other person will be able to get into their car....ahhh, gotta love it. Good thing I was parked in Siberia, not closer in where she was parking.
The good thing is, the class kicked butt, I got my workout in. Now I can have my salmon and green beans for dinner and chill. Maybe I deserve a little glass of wine too....
Love's me after every workout....